One of Japan's megabanks, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, showcased a robot bank teller on 13 April at its down-town Tokyo branch in the hope that the multilingual robot will help foreign customers during the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

易词解词(BY 摩西)

showcase n.陈列橱,[家具] 陈列柜;显示优点的东西,vt. 使展现;在玻璃橱窗陈列。这个单词的拆分很明显:show+case,show是展示,是让别人看,而case则是那个放东西的橱柜。橱柜干什么用的?盛东西的呀!这就对了。词根cap,capt表示to take,to seize,to hold,实际have同源。于是capable是有能力的(able to take),capture是抓别人,captor是抓捕者,captive是被抓住的囚徒,catch是去抓,chase则是在追逐。


multilingual adj. 使用多种语言的,n. 使用多种语言的人。拉丁前缀multi-表示多,词根lingu-表示语言,本意是舌头,于是bilingual就是双语的。现在来让我们提升一下逼格:希腊来源,与bilingual的同义词是diglot,di表two,twice,glot表language,而multilingual对应的则是polyglot 通晓数种语言的人;用通晓数种语言记载的书,adj. 通数国语言,数国语言的。前缀poly-表示多。

NAO, the programmable 58cm mini-robot, is equipped with multiple sensors, and responds to customer requests with pre-recorded responses. It currently speaks Japanese, Chinese, and English.

Surrounded by media, NAO performed Tai-chi before a few customers stepped forward and had conversations with the humanoid robot.

"He's quite cute," said one unidentified customer, "So having him around is actually quite good for the soul especially as banks normally tend to be quite quiet."

易词解词(BY 摩西)

especially adv. 特别;尤其;格外。这个单词很明显与special有关,但偏偏前边多了个e-,为什么?因为呀,罗马人后来发现前两个字母是sc,st和sp的单词发音很难听,就在前边加了个e-,而加了e-后与不加e-的单词其核心含义是一样的,只不过词义有细微的差别。再如estate和state,scale和escalate升级;加剧等。

NAO is produced by French robot maker Aldebaran Robotics. The robotics company also makes telecom giant SoftBank's Pepper.
小直是由法国机器人厂商Aldebaran Robotics制造的。该公司还为通信巨头SoftBank制造了机器人Pepper。