Big banana/Top banana 领导

一百年前,美国还没有电影和电视。当时有一种舞台演出,内容有流行的音乐、舞蹈和说笑话。有时候,在演员讲完一个笑话后,别人就给他一个香蕉。慢慢地,人们便把最滑稽的演员称为top banana。如今随着社会的发展,top banana 这个词多半用来指老板、上司,或者是政府官员(是不是有点讽刺的意味呢……)。

He is a top banana in this corporation.

Mr. Li acts like a top banana, but actually is not.

You're low man; I'm top banana--That's the way I like it. Comprehend?


cool banana 非常好

Have you seen the movie Cinderella? Yeah, cool banana, especially the dress they wear.

用法解析:口语中的cool banana有非常好,非常棒的意思,不要误认为是很酷的香蕉哦。据说这是一句澳洲俚语。关于澳洲英语这里给大家分享一个关于发音的笑话。

Did you come here to die?

No, I come here yesterday.

注:澳洲人[ei]读成成[ai],所以today就变成了to die, 哈哈,有趣吧。

drive sb banana 使某人发疯

To drive someone bananas 意思就是“使某人疯狂”。(就像mad 这个单词,go mad 是“发疯”的意思,而drive someone mad 便是“把某人逼疯”。)

He has driven his wife bananas.

This student drove the teacher bananas.

banana republic 香蕉共和国

香蕉共和国(英语:Banana Republic),是一个经济体系属于单一经济(通常是经济作物如香蕉、可可、咖啡等)、拥有不民主或不稳定的政府,特别是那些拥有广泛贪污和强大外国势力介入之国家的贬称。通常指中美洲和加勒比海的小国家。

Banana republic is a political term for a politically unstable country, whose economy is largely dependent on exporting a limited-resource product, e.g. bananas.

banana skin 香蕉皮尴尬事


1. 令人尴尬的局面;令人为难的事,令人感到难堪的事

2. 政治家的小小失言(或失误)

3. 短语:slip on a banana skin 犯愚蠢(或荒唐)的错误

I was unlucky to slip on a banana skin and fall over.

The proposed tax changes are likely to prove a banana skin for the Government.

It looked like a potential banana skin, but Croatia won the match comfortably 3-0.

go bananas 发疯

如果一个人像猴子看到香蕉那样激动得上窜下跳,岂不是很疯狂?所以go bananas的意思就是“激动、疯狂、神魂颠倒”,注意这里的banana 要用复数哦。

The drugs have made him go bananas.

Let us go bananas and have a ball!

(have a ball = have a good time)

banana diet 香蕉餐

The banana diet is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways of losing weight. The name may lead you to think that the diet consists of only eating bananas all day but this is far from the case! You can actually continue eating what you would normally eat for lunch and dinner, perform very little exercise and still notice some great results. It is a very simple method to follow and many people around the world have reported continuous weight loss when following it.

I've heard a new way to lose weight, I'll follow the banana diet, it's magic.