
After Continental breakfast① to fizzy fruit, sweaty cheese② and some other stuff③ you don't know what it is, Jerry and Evelyn are off to④ see their holyday rep.

- Good morning. Now we're...

- It's not nine o'clock yet, I haven't started work.

- Sorry... Right. Uh, well, we thought it might be rather nice to book an excursion

- You're a bit late. Most people booked theirs last night

- Well, if you hadn't driven off without us...

- Are there any tickets available⑤ for the concert in the square tonight?

- Computer says No...

- What about the boat trip, any places left on the boat trip?

- There's one place left. Would you be prepared to swim alongside ?

- I'm not a very strong swimmer

- Naaaah...

- What about the monastery?

- There's a lot of steps

- Oh, well

- You're quite old. I don't want you dropping down dead on me

- Well, that's very thoughtful of you

- Are there any trips still available?

- Legoland Windsor

- Is there anyone you could call?

- I could try the Spanish rep, see if there's any cancellations


①Continental:(英式英语中)指那些欧洲主要内陆的国家(不含岛屿)。Continental也常常用来指欧洲(除了英国以外)。Continental Breakfast指的是简式早餐,通常只有牛奶和谷物,可能还会有羊角包(croissant)、橙汁还有水果。British Breakfast就丰盛多了,通常包括豆子和鸡蛋、香肠、早茶还有其他的东西。其实与人们普遍相信的情况相反,在今天,很多英国人其实吃的是continental breakfast。

②Sweaty Cheese:油乳酪,这种乳酪看着很油(就好像你出汗一样)。

③Stuff = Things

④Are off to = Go to…

⑤Available: 如果某样东西available,那么你仍然能使用它。

⑥Alongside = To the side, by the side.


⑧Dropping down dead:如果你drop down dead就是说你突然挂了(摔了)。To drop = to collapse, to fall down, to let fall.

⑨That’s very thoughtful of you:对于你说的内容表达一种尊重(不过剧里是在讽刺)。