Mr Been appears in this scene belongs to the movie "Love Actually", he always so funny.


- Looking for anything in particular, sir?

- Yes, um- That necklace there. How much is it?

- lt's £270.

- Um, all right. Uh,l'll have it.

- Lovely.

- Would you like it... gift-wrapped?

- Uh, yes. All right.

- Lovely.

- Let me just pop it③ in the box. There.

- Look, could we be quite quick?

- Certainly, sir. Ready in the flashiest of flashes. There.

- It's great.

- Not quite finished.

- Look, actually, l-l don't need a bag. l'll just put it in my pocket.

- Oh, this isn't a bag, sir.

- Really?

- This is so much more than a bag. Ooh!

- Could we be quite quick, please?


- What's that?

- It's a cinnamon stick, sir.(1分53秒)

- Actually, l really, uh, can't wait.

- Oh, you won't regret it, sir.

- Wanna bet?

- 'Tis⑧ but the work of a moment.

- There we are. Almost finished.

- Almost finished? What else's gonna be? Are you gonna dip it in yogurt? Cover it with chocolate buttons?

- Oh, no, sir. We're going to pop it in the Christmas box.

- But I don't want a Christmas box.

- But you said you wanted it gift-wrapped.

- l did, but...

-This is the final flourish.

- Can I just pay?

- All we need now...

- Oh, God!

- a sprig of holly.

- No. No. No. No. No bloody⑩ holly.

- But, sir, the...

- Leave it, leave it, just leave it.

- Ooh, loitering⑪ around the jewellery section, I see.

- No, I was just looking around, you know.

- Don’t worry. My expectations are not that high⑫ after thirteen years of Mr. Oh-But-You-Always-Love-Scarves. Actually, I do love them.



①I’LL HAVE IT:买东西的时候和店员说“爷要了”就这么表达。不过你分得清will和going to的区别吗?

说到做决定的时候,我们用will表达做决定的那瞬间;当我们表达“已经做下了这个决定”,则用going to。所以我们买东西的时候,我决定买某件物品了,我们要说“I’ll have it.”


- What would you like to drink?

- I don’t know, maybe a coke? Or… ok, no, I’ll have a beer.


- So where are you going for your holidays this summer?

- We’re going to visit Andalucia, in southern Spain. We were planning to go to Turkey but then we saw a documentary about Andalucia on TV and changed our plans. We’re leaving on July the 3rd.


③口语表达:POP IT=put it, place it.

④In the flashinest of flashes:表达速度很快很快。如果你做某事”in a flash”,表示你做的很快;所以说这句话表达的其实就是in a flash的最高级,表示做事很快很快。

⑤Not quite finished:几乎完成了,但是差那么一点点。

⑥PRONTISSIMO= (意大利语) Very quickly,很快。

⑦口语表达Wanna bet?(你想打个赌吗?)这是一种非常口语化的表达,在你不同意某人的预测时使用。


- Enjoy your trip and don’t be so pessimistic, everything’s going to be great!

- Wanna bet? = I don’t agree, I think things won’t be great.

⑧‘TIS= It is.通常It is的缩写是it’s,但是有时你会听到英式英语说’tis。这种缩写在旧式英语中很常见,如今在诗歌和很多英国方言里还能听到。比如’tis but=It’s only

⑨Chocolate buttons:巧克力小饼干(纽扣型),通常撒蛋糕上。


⑪Loitering:to loiter就是漫无目的随便转转,或站着的意思,比如你说在等人的时候就可以这么说。

⑫口语表达that high=so high, very high

⑬Mr. Oh-but-you-always-love-scarves:这是一种很常见的口语表达,用来以某种特征来定义某人。举个例子:

- Hello, Mr. Sorry-I’m-Late=你是在暗指他老是迟到,所以他总说:“Sorry, I’m late”。这样称呼对方其实有责备的意味。

- Yes, she is Miss Everything’s-Ok = 这里你就是暗指她是那种“永远看不到问题(everything is ok)”的人。

⑭I DO LOVE THEM= I really love them. 在肯定疑问句(affirmative question)里用do表示强调动词。
