沪江英乐讯 上周著名英国选秀节目《英国达人》Britain's Got Talent给了全球观众一个巨大的惊喜——现年47岁无业、未婚的老大妈苏珊•波伊尔(Susan Boyle)凭借一段极具感染力的音乐剧《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables)里的"I Dreamed A Dream "引得全球观众泪奔。

不过,这还不够,在本周最新一期的《英国达人》又出了一位吸引众人眼球的12岁男孩——夏恩·贾法戈利(Shaheen Jafargholi)。 夏恩·贾法戈利来自威尔士斯旺希(Swansea),今年12岁,他从五岁开始唱歌,用他自己的话"生来就是唱歌的",具有舞台和电视演出的经验。

Shaheen在表演开始选择演唱艾米·怀恩豪斯(Amy Winehouse)的《Valerie》,但被西蒙打断,抓住第二次机会演唱杰克逊的《Who's Loving You》得到评委们的高度认可,其表演视频在互联网上再次掀起热潮,西蒙说"这就是一首可以改变你生活的歌曲"!

Shaheen Jafargholi《英国达人》比赛现场:

视频背景音乐:《高校音乐剧》主题歌 Breaking Free

Similar praise from Moore, and her husband Ashton Kutcher, helped turn Boyle into an international celebrity just a week ago. The 47-year-old Scottish spinster remains the bookies' favourite to win the ITV1 contest with tens of millions of fans around the world.


But Shaheen, 12, emerged as a strong contender on Saturday after impressing the judges with his version of Who's Lovin' You, the Motown song once sung by the young Michael Jackson. He overcame an early hiccup to win their praise, after Simon Cowell stopped him less than a minute into his planned rendition of the Amy Winehouse hit Valerie to tell him it was the wrong song for him.

Shaheen, who has been attending stage school in Swansea since early childhood, has had a series of minor television parts and appeared as his idol Michael Jackson in a touring production of the musical Thriller Live. He has spoken of wanting to emulate Jackson while Boyle has set her sights on becoming the new Elaine Paige.
