

Creative Writing: imagine a scenario
A lecture can be fascinating or boring. It depends on the topic and the way the presentation is delivered. Where was the lecture held? What was the topic? Who was the presenter? Was the audience falling asleep, or were they inspired?

This week's topic: All attention turns toward the speaker as the lecture starts... (90-110 words)


The lecture at the university went very well. Students were keen about the subject, and Sean delivered an inspiring presentation. He talked about how by looking at brain scans of people, depending on which parts of the brain showed a higher level of activity, the personality and behavior of the person could be predicted. The wiring of the brain seemed to be a combination of genetics, up-bringing and environment, the evidence of which could be seen via brain scans. The head of the psychology department was impressed by Sean's talk, and wanted to invite him back for a few more lectures.
