My daughter is an Oxford graduate with a business degree and is bilingual in French. She works in marketing for a small company but is looking for something better. She has applied for 20 jobs and has had many interviews but keeps getting rejected. She has asked why and was told by an internet search engine that they were "not obliged to give feedback". A PR company said she was "very bright" but not "truly committed to a career in PR". Is there any point in asking for reasons? And what can be done to get her a job?


No, there is no point in asking for feedback. Most interviewers can't or won't explain their decisions, and why should they? They are not running a careers advice service and giving reasons simply invites future lawsuits.

In any case, your daughter has already found out what she needs to know. She didn't get the job because she failed to act as if she was gagging for a career in PR. The reason, no doubt, is that she wasn't gagging for such a career. She is a clever girl and doesn't know if she will like PR for the good reason that she hasn't tried it.

Such ambivalence may be sensible, but getting a job doesn't involve sense. It involves looking about 1,000 times keener than you actually are. Before her next interview she should find out as much as she can about the job and the company. This will put her far ahead of most candidates - who can't even be bothered to check the website.


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