

本期乐队Golden Smog重点人物包括:为90年代另类摇滚打出头阵,葛莱美音乐奖於1991年初设立「另类摇滚」奖项,随即获得提名的The Replacements鼓手Chris Mars;在90年初期发表关怀失踪儿童的感人作品“Runaway Train”走红国际,成名於Grunge声浪高涨年代的Soul Asylum吉他手Dan Murphy;散发一身才气,手边有数个乐团让他尽情发挥,最受瞩目的将另类乡村乐引领至全新摇滚领域Wilco之灵魂支柱Jeff Tweedy;今年步入乐坛第20个年头,说到另类乡村摇滚乐派就绝对不能不提The Jayhawks之电吉他/主唱Gary Louris与贝斯手Marc Perlman;结合了 Beatles式完美四人合声法和60年代The Kinks吉他和弦,孕育自七十年代的Power-Pop乐团Big Star鼓手Jody Stephens;燃起熊熊烈火漫天延烧Post-Punk风潮,同取蓝调/乡村/民谣等元素的好评乐团Run Westy Run之Kraig Johnson…等人都曾是乐团之一员。
1992年成军,仅发行《On Golden Smog》(1992)、《Down By The Old Mainstream》(1996)以及《Weird Tales》(1998)等三张专辑,睽违八年之久,结合Gary、Marc、Kraig、Dan、Jeff等五人推出全新大碟《Another Fine Day》


Watch the sun smile, angels whisper as you ride

On the shoulders of a giant who carries you along the clouds

Keep your eyes wide as you cross the universe

Put your future in a box, paint today your velvet world

And I wish I could see through your eyes

So full of innocence, so full of joyfulness in a world that’s so unkind
You are the cure for it



