25 Tricks to Look Better in Pictures

This time of year can be a minefield of potentially awkward family photos, unflattering party pics and more snaps that just want to make you hit “untag.” Even if you love the way you look in person, it takes practice to make sure your in-the-flesh beauty translates on camera. The good news? Being photogenic is a skill you can totally master. Here are a few of our favorite tips that will help you bring out your inner Gisele.

1. If you tend to blink in photos, close your eyes just before the picture is taken and open them slowly before the camera clicks. No more half-closed eyes!
1. 如果你在拍照时会不自觉地眨眼,就在拍照前闭上眼睛,快门按下前再缓缓睁开。告别半睁半闭的迷离眼!

2. To avoid a double chin, elongate your neck and push your face forward a bit. Think of sticking out your forehead and tipping your chin slightly down. It might feel awkward, but it will look great — promise.
2. 为了避免出现双下巴,拉长脖子,将脸部微微前伸。记着要伸出前额,下巴微微下收。这么做也许会不太舒服,不过看起来会很美——相信我。

3. Make sure your makeup is a perfect match, says Celebrity Makeup Artist Fiona Stiles, who’s prepped everyone from Halle Berry to Jessica Chastain and Elizabeth Banks for the red carpet. “When a foundation is too pale for your skin tone, it becomes very obvious when a flash hits the skin.” She advises, “Match your skin to your chest and add a thin layer to your neck if your neck is paler (as is the case for most people).”
3. 曾为 Halle Berry 、 Jessica Chastain 和Elizabeth Banks 等大牌准备过红地毯妆容的明星化妆师Fiona Stiles指出,要确保你各部位的妆色相宜。“如果你的粉底与你整体肤色相比颜色过浅,那么当闪光灯打向你时,这一点会暴露无遗。”她建议道,“直到胸部以上的肤色都要显得均匀,如果你的颈部肤色看起来略浅,就再给颈部打一层底。(大部分人都是这样的。)

4. Curled lashes and mascara are musts, Stiles insists (she swears by mark Scanda-Lash Mascara). “Both open up your eyes, and the eyes are the focal point of a picture. You want to draw people into a picture, so you want to maximize the impact of the eyes. The more open they are, the more the light hits them and that’s what makes them twinkle!”
4. “卷翘睫毛跟睫毛膏,一个都不能少。”Stiles强调道,“睁开你的双眼,它们就是照片的焦点。如果你想拍出迷人的照片,那么你需要尽可能增强眼睛的冲击力。它们睁得越大,才会有越多的闪光灯打向它们,正因如此它们才能如此闪亮!”

5. Take a look at your favorite pictures of yourself and try to spot a pattern. Do you like the way you look from a certain angle? When you smile a specific way? Try to replicate your best poses next time you have your photo taken.
5. 看一看你最喜欢的几张自己的照片,尝试找找规律。你是不是觉得当你从某个角度看自己时,当你面带某种笑容时显得更好看?下次就试着模仿自己以前拍照时最美的姿势和表情吧。

6. Try this old school red carpet trick: Put your tongue behind your teeth when you smile to avoid a goofy, too-wide grin.
6. 试试传统走红地毯秘诀:微笑时舌尖抵在牙后,避免笑得太憨傻或露齿太过。

7. Fill in your brows. Not only do your eyebrows convey character and emotion, they often mean all the difference between looking wide awake and washed out on camera. You may even consider using a slightly darker brow pencil if you know you’ll be photographed, since features tend to look lighter in pictures.
7. 让你的眉毛看起来更饱满。你的双眉不但传达着你的性格和情感,它们还往往决定了你在照片中看起来是神采奕奕还是无精打采。如果你知道你会被拍,你甚至可以考虑用颜色略深的眉笔勾画,因为五官在照片里看起来往往会不太鲜明。

8. Make sure your hair is shiny. “Spray-on shine is great for a last minute add-on shine,” says hair stylist Serge Normant, who’s worked with Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Julianne Moore and Sarah Jessica Parker throughout his years in the biz. He recommends misting hair with his Serge Normant Meta Sheer Dry Oil Finishing Spray ($24, ) for maximum gloss.
8. 确保头发的亮泽。“亮发喷雾是拍照前一刻为头发增添亮泽的好选择”,发型师Serge Normant说道。在他的发型师生涯中,他曾为Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Julianne Moore 和 Sarah Jessica Parker做过造型。 如果想让秀发展现最大程度的光彩,他推荐使用Serge Normant透明干性油造型喷雾( 上仅售$24)。

Essentials for putting your best face forward.

9. A photo can highlight flyaways, so make sure your style is sleek. “A good pomade or dry oil will help, but use lightly,” Normant advises. “If you are afraid to use too much, spray on your hands and then lightly try to control fizz.”
9. 一头乱发会在照片中更加明显,所以需要保证你的头发亮泽柔顺。“一款好的发蜡或者滋养油可以帮助抚平毛糙,不过少许即可。”Normant建议道,“如果你怕会喷得太多,可以先喷在手上,然后再轻轻抹在头上避免起泡过多。”

10. Look toward a light right before someone snaps your photo. Doing so will shrink your pupils and help you avoid red eye.
10. 拍照前望向一个光点,这样能使你的瞳孔收缩,避免出现红眼。

11. Surprise photo op? Try this five-second prep: Blot your face with a tissue or single-ply cocktail napkin, then pinch your cheeks to create a rosy glow (yep, it’s old school, but it works).
11. 没准备可是突然要拍照?试试这招五秒准备法:用面巾纸或单层酒巾吸去脸上的油,捏捏双颊使它们白里透红(是的,这很老套,但是管用)

12. A couple drops of Visine will help your eyes look brighter and more awake.
12. 几滴眼药水就能让你的双眼更加明亮、富有神采。

13. Blush is a must! Without some color on your cheeks, your face can look two dimensional in photos. Use a medium pink shade on the apples of your cheeks to help shape your face.
13. 面色必须红润!缺少颜色的双颊会让你的脸在照片中看起来不够立体。在颧骨部位上一层淡粉色腮红能使你的面部轮廓更鲜明。

14. Think about angles. Facing the camera straight on is rarely flattering; instead, turn your head to a three-quarter position to give your features depth.
14. 想好角度。正面对着镜头很少能拍得好看,侧脸四十五度能让你的脸看起来更具立体感。

Taylor Swift demonstrates the classic red carpet pose.
Taylor Swift展示经典红地毯造型

15. Try the “red carpet” pose: put your hand on your hip, angle your body to the side and turn your head towards the camera. It’s a cliché, but it really does work to help you look slimmer.
15. 试试“红地毯专用姿势”:将一只手搭于腰际线上方,身体转向某一侧,而脸转向镜头。这招已经被用烂了,但它确实会让你看起来更苗条。

16. Avoid serious sparkle on your face. “Anything too shimmery on the skin can just be too much in a photo,” Stiles says. “A soft glow is nice, but if you have oily skin it can really exaggerate shimmer and make you look very shiny. If you are a shimmer addict and just can’t help yourself, keep the face matte or semi-matte (a velvety finish). Add a little highlighter to just the tips of the cheekbones and the bridge of the nose with a powder highlighter that has a very soft sheen.”
16. “皮肤上任何的闪光都会在照片中被放大,”Stile说道,“稍微上一层闪粉就很好,不过如果你是油性皮肤,这样就真的会放大闪光,让你看起来油光满面。如果你就是特喜欢面部妆容的闪亮效果不能自拔,那就保持皮肤干燥或适度干燥(丝绒妆感),在颧骨处或鼻梁等缺乏光泽的地方适当上一些闪粉进行调节。

17. On the other hand, a bit of sparkle below the neck can give your skin a pretty sheen. Dust your collarbone and shoulders with a shimmering powder such as Chanel Natural Finish Loose Powder in Moonlight ($52, ), which has the perfect finish for playing up assets.
17. 颈部的一抹亮色也能为你的整体肤色增光添彩。在你的领衬或肩膀上打上一层光影粉(如香奈儿月色自然蜜粉,官网售价$52),将帮助打造你的完美造型。

18. Stand in front of a white wall. A light-colored backdrop will help brighten your face. Using a white background also helps a camera’s automatic settings find the right color balance, so your skin tone doesn’t end up looking too pink or yellow.
18. 站在白色的墙前面。浅色背景能增加你面部的亮度。白色背景也便于相机自动取得色彩平衡,这样你的整体肤色不会看起来过粉或过黄。

19. Wear bright lipstick. “Dark lipstick can have a minimizing effect on lips,” says Stiles. “Steer clear of a dark matte lip color. It can look aging and unflattering. Stick with brighter colors.”
19. 凃颜色鲜亮的口红。“暗色的口红会使嘴唇的魅力大打折扣,”Stiles说道,“别用暗淡无光的口红,那会使你显老而且不好看。坚持用亮色。”

20. Be in more pictures! People who think they’re unphotogenic tend to pose for fewer photos overall, but photography is a game of averages. Even Kate Moss doesn’t nail it on the first frame. The more shots you let your photographer take, the more likely you’ll be happy with one or two of them.
20. 多拍几张!那些觉得自己不上镜的人会倾向于拍少一点,然而拍照以平均质量定胜负。即便是Kate Moss也无法第一次就拍得完美。你拍得越多,就越有可能出现几张让你满意的照片。

21. A photo shot from just above you is way more flattering than one shot from below. If you’re taller than the person holding the camera, grab a seat.
21. 从人物上方拍出的照片会比从下方拍出的好看很多。如果你比拍照的人高,找把椅子来坐。

22. Avoid standing directly under a light, which can cast weird shadows on your face. Instead, stand facing a natural light source, such as a window, or in a spot where soft light hits your face from the side.
22. 避免站在光源的正下方,那将会使你的脸上有难看的阴影。反之,站在面对自然光源的地方,比如面对窗户,或者其他地方——只要能让柔和的光线从一侧照向你的脸即可。

23. Grab a prop — preferably not a red Solo cup. Holding onto an object such as a flower or decoration can help you relax your posture and add personality to a picture.
23. 手上拿点配饰——最好不要单单拿一个一次性的红饮料杯。拿着诸如鲜花类的装饰物件,能帮助你放松姿势,并且能给照片添一抹你的神韵。

24. To make your eyes sparkle, look at a light source. A lamp or brightly lit Christmas tree will create a flattering gleam in your pupils.
24. 看向一个光点,让双眼闪亮有神。一盏灯或一颗点亮的圣诞树都能在你的双瞳中掀起闪亮的光波。

25. Forget saying “cheese,” and instead think of something funny. Better yet, joke with the photographer. A natural smile trumps a fake one every time.
25. 别再说“茄子”了,想点有趣的。最好莫过于和摄影师玩笑。自然的笑容总能胜过强扯的微笑。

