
Artist:Cocoanut Groove
Song:The End Of The Summer On Bookbinder Road

How do I start to tell the story?
The pale stars? The sky's dim glow?
The clouds that gathered silently above Bookbinder Road?

the roses in the garden watched when the moment froze
As the door to that summer closed

Where do I continue? With the fullness of the moon?
Or the air that smelled of apples and September coming soon?

Stood on the empty pavement where seagulls dove and rose
As the door to that summer closed

Finally we settle with the view from a quiet room
And we end the story with the garden still in bloom

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    Cocoanut Groove是Olov Atonsson的个人乐队。Olov Atonsson在2007年的夏天开始用Cocoanut Groove这个名字制作唱片。《The End Of The Summer On Bookbinder Road》是4月份发行的单曲,之后收录在11月份发行的首张专辑《Madeleine Street》中。《The End Of The Summer On Bookbinder Road》有着听者难以想象的复杂情绪,《Madeleine Street》悠扬的小调道尽无奈的惆怅。

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