Short Conversation


W: The students have been protesting against the increased tuition.
M: Yeah, I heard about the protest. But I don’t know how much good it will do.
Q: What does the man mean?

W: Jay will turn 21 this week. Does he know the classes are having a surprised party for him?
M: No, he thinks we are giving a party for the retiring dean.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


M: Hello, this is Carl’s garage. We found Mr. White’s briefcase and wallet after he left his car here this morning.
W: He has been wondering where he could have left them. I’ll tell him to pick them up this afternoon. Thank you for calling.
Q: What do we learn about Mr. White from the conversation?


W: You know, some TV channels have been rerunning a lot of comedies from the 1960s’. What do you think of those old shows?
M: Not much. But the new ones including those done by famous directors are not so entertaining either.
Q: What does the man mean?


M: How much longer should I boil these vegetables? The recipe says about 10 minutes in total.
W: They look pretty done to me. I doubt you should cook them anymore.
Q: What does the woman mean?


W: Tom, are you going to your parents’ house tonight?
M: Yes, I promise to help them figure out their tax returns. The tax code is really confusing to them.
Q: What is the man going to do for his parents? 


W: I was surprised when I heard you’d finished your research project a whole month early.
M: How I manage to do it’s still a mystery to me.
Q: What does the man mean?


W:I was hoping we could be in the same developmental psychology class.
M:Me too, but by the time I went for registration the course was closed.
Q: What does the man mean?


本次六级考试的难度与往年持平,继续延续在六级考试中,出现大量推理判断题,即提问方式为:What does the man / woman mean? 这样的题目。所以这一常考题型,相信平时也已练习不少。其中,可能稍微有点难度的是几个单词,例如:protest(抗议);rerun(重新出演),entertaining(有趣的,有娱乐性的),但其实这几个词并不影响做题。最难的也就最后一题:既有developmental psychology(发展心理学)这样的专业学科名称,又有registration这样部分考生不太熟悉的词,从而影响整个对话的理解。


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