

China should continue to develop nuclear energy, for currently, nuclear energy only contributes 2% in the total power generating capacity. The percentage, ranking the 30th among all the countries that possess nuclear energy, is almost the lowest.

China's nuclear power development stopped after the nuclear power plant accident in Japan in March, 2011. The approval of new nuclear power plants was suspended, and the nationwide nuclear energy safety inspection started. Until October, 2012, the approval was cautiously activated again.
With the improvement of technology and safety measures, the odds of nuclear power accidents can definitely be minimized. In order words, nuclear energy can be developed and utilized safely.


例如,贯穿全篇的“核能”,可以翻译为nuclear energy;“总发电量”:total power generating capacity;之后提到的“审批”可以解释为approval。从句子表达上讲,第二句“因为核能目前只占其总发电量的2%”,其实可以理解为,核能对总发电量贡献很低。因此这个句子可以翻译为:nuclear energy only contributes 2% in the total power generating capacity. 而最后一段“随着……”则可以用大家都已经很熟悉with 短语来翻译出伴随的状态。


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