losing pet

For most owners, the thought of losing their beloved pet is unimaginable.

But for some, such a crisis appears to evoke creativity and humour.

These hilarious photos show missing pet signs that have been put up by owners and members of the public across the world.

They feature dogs, cats, birds and even spiders that are either lost or found, as well as some more questionable looking creatures.

off his medication

1. Have you seen me? Klaus the dog is described as being a 'very, very crazy' - with an increased hostility now he is 'off his medication'.

Cat found

2. Cat found! Another poster shows an evil-looking creature that is quite clearly not a feline pictured under the words:'Not very friendly. I think she might be scared. Not house broken either.'
失猫寻主!这张海报上的照片看起来有点邪恶,下面一行字曰:“此猫不太友好。我想她可能是受惊了。不过也没有拆掉我家的房子啦。” 这只猫的长相看起来不太像母猫啊。

lost chicken

3. One sign even depicts a lost chicken - with members of the public offered a cash reward.

Douche Mouth

4. A lost dog glares at the camera (left), while another pooch goes by the name 'Douche Mouth' (right)
左图中一只走失的大狗对镜头怒目而视,右图中是一只名叫“大傻帽儿” 的狗狗。

missing 'puppy'

5. The amusing images, which were mostly captured in America, were posted to a number of online blogs. Above, a missing 'puppy' who is described as being 'unfriendly'.


6. 'Killer': A lost dog is pictured snarling at the camera. He is likely to alarm any member of the public- and even more so when they realise he is called 'Killer'.


7. Bizarree: These missing pet signs feature a seemingly obese dog (left) and a beloved crab called Oliver (right).

'blood-thirsty monster

8. An adorable lost puppy is described by his owners as 'vicious' and a 'blood-thirsty monster'.

gay dog

9. This poster, put up by a member of the public, features a 'gay dog'.


10. 'Worrying': This sign shows a missing tarantula called Conrad, who is 'very friendly' and 'likes hide and seek'.

six toes

11. A missing bird enjoys singing 'The Andy Griffith Show' song (left), while a lost cat has six toes (right).


less believable

12. Two less believable signs feature a missing dog AND wife (right), and a lion known as 'Tiddles' (left).