

  摇滚麦克是丹麦成功的团体,成立于1988年春天,1991年摇滚麦克发行首张专辑,两个月就卖了3万张,连续5个星期荣登销售排行榜冠军宝座。1993年发行第二张专辑Colurs销售超过 110万张并成为丹麦销量最好的音乐专辑,1995年发行Played On pepper也有很棒的销售成果,半年内就卖了50万张,,1996年在亚洲发行专辑Paint My Love-Greatest hits销售起过250万张。20世纪最后一个冬夜里,来自北欧最清澈和煦的声音。全球超过800万张专辑销售量,丹麦抒情摇滚大团,全球情歌模范生。


Lately you have been asking me
If all of my words that true
Don't you know how i do anything for you
Sometimes I haven't been good to you
Sometimes I make you cry
And then I am sorry for everything
But I promise you girl I promise you this
When the blue night is over my face
On the dark side of the world in space
When I am all alone with the stars above
You are the one I love

