


Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler went ahead with his proposal on Thursday to give his agency the power to decide whether the terms and prices of broadband Internet services are "reasonable." That's bad enough as political discretion, but according to dissenting Commissioner Ajit Pai, regulators from every state will also be able to get into the act.
Mr. Wheeler's goal is to satisfy the "net neutrality" supporters demanding that every broadband customer receive the same deal, no matter how much bandwidth they consume. Backed by two other Democrats, Mr. Wheeler said he prefers the "reasonable" pricing standard. But he also suggested another, even worse option to regulate broadband prices: reclassifying Internet connections as "telecommunications services."
For two decades Congress has wisely refused to give the FCC the same power over the Internet that it holds over the telephone system. And for two decades the Internet has enabled a gusher of creativity that was unimaginable over a century of regulated telephony. Mr. Wheeler's brainstorm to change all this is simply to pretend the Internet is a phone network.




联邦通讯委员会主席汤姆.惠特于周四公布一项提案,旨在赋予麾下代理机构以 决定网络宽带服务项目及价格是否合理的权利。同政治上的自由裁定一般,该决 议亦是糟糕至极,不过据此决议反对专员阿吉特.派称,各州的监管人员同样会介 入此行动。
  惠特先生此举目的在于迎合网络中性化拥趸们的愿望,即无论带宽消费多少钱, 每位宽带用户都应受到同等对待。他声称更倾向于接受这种“理性”价格标准, 此观点得到了两名民主党派人士的支持。但是他随即又提出了另外一则更为糟糕 的控制宽带价格的措施:将网络连接重新归类变为电信业务。
   过去的二十多年间,国会明智的拒绝了给予联邦通讯委员会在网络业务上同其 在电信系统内同等的权利。与此同时,在这二十年里,即使电话业务桎梏重重, 互联网仍旧带来一股不可思议的灵感狂潮。而惠特先生关于改变这一切的妙计, 实则是将互联网看作电话网。
