





Benefits of Going to College One of the primary benefits of going to college is being able to obtain a college degree. A college degree helps you push your career in the right direction and opens doors for good job opportunities. The college years are filled with academic as well as extracurricular activities. The projects, the oral and practical exams and demonstrations that are parts of college education help you build self-confidence and enhance your communication skills. College education plays a vital role in the development of analytical thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills. These skills help you throughout life. However, the most important benefit of going to college is perhaps the environment it offers. It gives you an opportunity to be a part of a huge group. College education helps you develop skills of working in a team. It gives you an opportunity to understand different points of view on different issues in life.
上大学之益处 上大学的一个主要的好处就是能帮助学生们取得学位。一个大学学位帮助你找到正确的职业方向,获得良好的就业机会。大学生活是由课内学业和课外活动组成的。大学里的口试和笔试帮助你提高自信心并加强你的沟通能力。大学教育在思维分析能力,推理和解决问题的能力培养上扮演着重要的角色。这些技能使你受益一生。然而,上大学最大的好处也许应该是体现在它所提供的环境上,因为它使你成为一个群体中的一员。大学教育锻炼了你在团体中的工作能力,也让你有机会理解生活中不同问题的不同观点。