Hints: Lambchop's playalong 儿童电视剧

          Harriet Tubman               哈莉特·塔布曼

What? Han, I need to see you in here now. But that is the ladies' room. You're fine. Women bring their little boys in here all the time. Everybody decent? Man in the ladies' room. I apologize for personal intrusion. You don't have to cover your eyes. It's a ladies' room, not a solar eclipse. Max, why do you want to see me in this inappropriate meeting place? This is why. The tampon machine. Oh, this is not man topic. I do not wish to discuss time of the month when ladies must chase the cotton mouse. Chase the cotton mouse? Geeze, where'd you get your sex education? Lambchop's playalong? Han, you changed the price of tampons? Yes, this is not appropriate talk. No, this is not appropriate action. They've been a quarter forever. Look how old this machine is. Harriet Tubman used to get her tampons here. I'm a businessman. Emphasis on the man. I do not belong in here. Hey, hey! Don't make me chase you, you little khaki mouse. Look, Han, everyone knows there are certain things that people need in an emergency that you never raise the price on. Things like what? Off the top of my head, tampons and 40-ounce beers.
我靠!阿憨,进来,我有话跟你说。 可那是女厕所呀! 怕啥?很多女人经常会带小孩进来。 大家都穿戴整齐了吗?有男人进女厕啦!我对我的无礼闯入感到抱歉。 你遮眼睛干嘛?进女厕而已,又不是看日蚀。 麦克斯,你为什么要挑一个这么不恰当的会面场地见我呀? 原因在这里,棉条贩卖机。 哎呀!这不是男人该讨论的话题。我不想跟你讨论你们女人每个月都有几天得追逐"棉老鼠"的事。 追逐棉老鼠?天啊!你两性教育课去哪上的?儿童电视剧吗?阿憨,棉条价钱是你涨的吗? 是的,但是谈这个不合适吧! 错,是你这么做不合适吧!人家卖25分都卖了几百年了。看到这机器多旧了没啊!哈莉特•塔布曼都在这机子买过呢! 我是个男商人。我要强调是"男"字。我不该进来的。 喂!喂!别逼老娘追你,你这小卡其裤鼠。阿憨,众所皆知,人们在紧急情况下需要的某些东西是完全不应该涨价的。 比如什么? 我现在想到的就有卫生棉条和超大瓶啤酒。