


Since different kinds of gadgets entering our home without a knock on the door in this times, we exposure ourselves to multifarious electronic devices and they transformed our life into one we have never met before. The same thing happens to our children. Especially the generation after 00s, they have been profoundly affected by those electronic devices, much more than us.
On one hand, parents are delighted with these devices’ important role in entertaining their children as well as helping their study. But on the other hand, various problems along with addicting to all kinds of gadgets have raised increasingly concern among parents. Such as, lack communication with real people, eyes health, or less access to traditional culture etc.
Personally speaking, parents should burden more responsibility regarding to what degree their children access the electronic devices. There are a lot of things parents can do to educate their children to make best use of these devices instead of being hurt. It is important for children to realize these smart friends are just tools which decorate our lives or benefit our study while it is the love to friends and parents that are worth paying more attention. Besides, parents can try to get involved in children’s social network so as to learn their kids’ true ideas other than criticizing children indiscriminately. No matter what action parents take, they need to understand that the best solution comes out when they know their kids by heart.
