Artist:The Smiths
Song:Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before

Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've
Heard this one before
Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before

Nothing's changed
I still love you, oh, I still love you
Only slightly, only slightly less than I used to, my love

I was delayed, I was way-laid
An emergency stop
I smelt the last ten seconds of life
I crashed down on the crossbar
And the pain was enough to make
A shy, bald, buddhist reflect
And plan a mass murder
Who said I'd lied to her ?

Oh, who said I'd lied because I never ? I never !
Who said I'd lied because I never ?
I was detained, I was restrained
And broke my spleen
And broke my knee
(and then he really lays into me)
Friday night in Out-patients
Who said I'd lied to her ?

Oh, who said I'd lied ? - because I never, I never
Who said I'd lied ? - because I never

(Here  and instead of oh)
And , so I drank one
It became four
And when I fell on the floor ...
...I drank more

Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've
Heard this one before
Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before

单曲:忧伤地起舞,笑着哭泣 The Smiths - Pretty Girls Make Grave

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    The Smiths,在英国的摇滚乐史上有着与Pink Floyd相差无几的地位,80年代最重要的具有开创性意义的乐队之一。乐队成立于1982年春,发起人物包括 Morrissey和Johnny Marr,两人均出生于曼彻斯特。在组队前,Morrissey曾参加过Nosebleeds乐队和Slaughter & The Dog乐队,并为《Record Mirror》杂志写过专访及乐评。而Marr也曾参加过Paris Valentions、White Dice、Sister Ray和Freaky Party等乐队。在1982年夏天,两人准备录制作品,在经过一段时间后吸收了鼓手Mike Joyce和贝司手Andy Rourke,四个曼彻斯特人组成了The Smiths。

    乐队的灵魂人物Morrissey是一个同性恋者,他的独身态度开启了人们对人类性行为反思的大门,他常站在人文主义的立场去审视世界,而小报记者则对他充满了猜测:关于他的性功能以及他出色地把握诸如动物权利、王权、唯美主义、作家奥斯卡·王尔德和60年代电影等各种题材的能力。Morrissey曾在自传体的歌曲Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now尽情咏颂过生命的痛苦,这首歌成为英国榜的19名。

    1985年夏,乐团增加了第二吉它手Craig Gannon。1986年6月,乐队发行了乐团历史上最重要的一张唱片《The Queen Is Dead》。

   作为80年代初英伦最著名最具影响力的乐队之一,The Smiths对英国80年代的新浪潮(New Wave)、新浪漫(New Melody)甚至90年代的Britpop运动都有着很大的前瞻作用和深远的影响,尤其是其对英国吉它流行曲的发展,作出了自己的贡献。

   暗黑色的唱片封套印照着一种冷峻、严肃的气质,乐队的照片也是黑白的,透着英国人特有的感觉。如果你注意的话,唱片的扉页里写着一句话"take me back to dear old blighty",回家,回什么家呢?

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