


--: Hey, this isn't mine!

Reese: Not mine either. Get in.

--: May I at least have your name before we commit Grand Theft Auto together?

Reese: First, we need to get you to the police, so you can tell them about 

what you saw at the bodega.

--: The Russian mob is after me, friend. They've got people on the inside. ____1___

Reese: I know a detective we can trust. But we need to get you across the 

river to Manhattan. Get down! We need to keep moving.

--: That's going to be a problem.

Reese: You say the Russians don't go in there? Well, that's where we're going.

If I testify, I'm dead.
这不是我的车。 也不是我的,上车。 咱俩大玩侠盗飞车前至少告诉我你叫啥吧? 首先,我们得把你送去警察局,把你在杂货店里看到的都告诉他们。 俄罗斯黑帮在追杀我,老兄。他们在局里有眼线。我要是出面作证就死定了。 我认识一个信得过的警探,不过我们得先把你送到河对岸的曼哈顿去。趴下。我们得快走了。 这下有点麻烦了。 你说俄罗斯人都不敢进去,那我们进去。