Next comment. "Why does cashier wear earphones? I thought he was a DJ." Go, Earl, go, Earl ? Holla! Moving on. "This meatloaf tastes stale and dry." Yeah, Oleg yeah, Oleg. It also says that cook could wear deodorant. and shirt that covers armpit. This is on card? Yes. You are lying. Yes. Remind me never to be a spy with Han. So this is how you tell me what you think of me? You hide behind outdated method of feedback? What, I should've posted twit pic of my face like this? Maybe I will send you a twit pic of my meatloaf. Can you twits pick another time to do this? I've gotta go home. I have to go home too... And cut the remaining sleeves off of all my shirts. And then go buy more shirts. And cut the sleeves off those shirts. You must wear sleeves. Do not tell me what to do. I was working here when you were still a dumpling on your father's chopstick.
下一个意见 "为什么收银员戴着耳机啊 害我以为他是DJ" 好样的厄尔 好样的 厄尔 完胜 下一条 "烘肉卷吃起来既不新鲜又干瘪瘪" 干得好 奥列格 干得好 奥列格 人家还建议 厨师喷点腋下除臭剂 穿点有袖的衣服挡挡臭味 人家真写上意见表了吗 对 你撒谎 对... 跟憨搭档做间谍 死得更快哟 所以你就这么对我提意见吗 拿这种过时的意见卡当挡箭牌 不然是要推特发张 我这么捏鼻子的图吗 我也会回敬你一张我烘"鸡"卷的美照 你们俩白痴[推特]可以之后再吵吗 我得回家了 我也得回家... 回家把所有衣服的袖子都剪掉 然后再去买新衣服 再把所有的袖子通通剪掉 你必须穿有袖的衣服上班 老子爱穿啥穿啥 老子刚来这上班的时候 你还在你爹的蛋蛋里游着呢