This is probably gonna seem ridiculous to you because you're a horse and I'm just some lady that's been slipping you carrots for the last few months, but... I really got attached to you. This is way more than most horses get out of me. I wasn't even this upset when they discontinued tan M&Ms. I, um... I really haven't had much go right for me in my life, and I'm pretty sure things are gonna keep getting worse but, you were a good thing. And when everything sucked, you were the best thing we had going. And you're fuzzy too. You're so fuzzy, and no one can argue that touching a warm, fuzzy thing isn't straight up lovely. So, thank you for everything you did for us, but... especially for being fuzzy.
我知道这些话可能有点可笑 因为你只是匹马 而我只是某个 在过去几个月一直喂你胡萝卜的女人 我真的爱上你了 这待遇可是其他马儿没有的 罐装巧克力豆停产那会儿 我都没这么难过 我... 我这一生有许许多多的不如意 我也确信未来只会愈加艰难 可你却如此的好 当一切都不如人意时 你是我们生活中唯一的美好 而且你还毛绒绒的 你超毛茸茸的 而且谁敢说 摸着一个暖融融毛绒绒的东西不有爱啊 感谢你给我们带来的一切 尤其是长得这么毛绒绒