
Artist Jun Ahn can be seen looking out over New York, Hong Kong and Seoul, as well as perched dangerously on clifftops in Australia and Japan for her Self-Portraitseries.
艺术家 Jun Ahn为了拍摄一组名为“自画像”的系列照片,来到过纽约、香港和首尔的高楼边缘俯瞰整座城市、并拍下自拍照,也曾冒着危险坐在澳大利亚和日本的悬崖顶部。

Described by Jun, who grew up in the States, as 'a kind of performance without an audience', the heart-quickening shots have been displayed in galleries around the globe.

'I was sitting on the edge of my apartment and looking over the cityscape. I had a thought that suddenly my youth was coming to an end and I could not figure out the future. I sat on the edge and looked down, and there was a sudden change in my perspective on life and death, present and future.'
“ 当我坐在自家公寓楼边缘眺望城市风光时,我突然感觉自己的青春即将消失而未来却模糊不清。在低头俯瞰时,我瞬间改变了对生死、现在和未来的看法。”

'The vision of cityscape I was witnessing was not real for that moment. I felt the illusion of beautiful buildings was just like the future or ideal which can never be reached. Then I looked down. What I was actually standing on was the empty space. It was the "present" for me. So I took a picture of my feet.’

'In this era of tall building used as hotels, office or luxurious living place, many people do not feel fear of heights and even prefer to live there because they perceive that environment as a beautiful skyline view. This is because people see psychologically what they want to see and perceive what they wish to perceive. '

'However when they look down at the same place they feel fear of heights, because they perceive the space instead of a projected perception. From my perspective, the horizontal vision is a kind of illusion.'

1. The photographer's work, including this shot looking over Gangnam district in Seoul, South Korea, has been on display in galleries around the world.


2. The photographer's legs are pictured hanging over a cliff in Japan, and, right, on a bridge in Greece.


3. Jun Ahn takes a photo as she sits on the edge of a rooftop overlooking the high rise buildings in New York City.
Jun Ahn 坐在纽约市的楼顶边缘俯瞰众多摩天大厦时拍摄了这张照片。


4. Artist Jun Ahn sits on the edge of a rooftop looking across Seoul, South Korea.
艺术家Jun Ahn正在屋顶边缘眺望韩国的首尔市。


5. Ahn, pictured in Seoul, South Korea, and, right, in New York, takes images while perched on skyscrapers.
左图是Jun Ahn在韩国首尔市拍摄的照片,右图则是她在纽约的摩天大厦上拍摄的。


6. Jun Ahn stands on a clifftop overlooking the 12 Apostles on the Great Ocean Road in Australia.
Jun Ahn 正站在悬崖上远眺澳大利亚大洋路上的十二使徒岩。

小编注:十二使徒岩(The Twelve Apostles)位于澳大利亚维多利亚州的大洋路边上,坎贝尔港国家公园之中,屹立在海岸旁已有二千万年历史了。由几亿块小骨头聚积而渐渐形成,继而埋藏在海底,直至后来,强烈的海潮和风力终令这些岩石暴露水面,成为现时著名的十二使徒岩。因为它们的数量及形态恰巧酷似耶稣的十二使徒,人们就以圣经故事里的十二使徒为之命名。