Jennifer Lawrence plays a shape-shifting mutant who walks around naked when wearing her naturally blue-skinned form in X-Men: Days Of Future Past.
Jennifer Lawrence在《X战警:未来昔日》中扮演一个全身皮肤是蓝色的裸体出现的变异体。

To embody the superhuman, the 23-year-old actress had to undergo hours of airbrushing as her toned figure was covered head-to-toe in blue body paint.

And for a new cover shoot Jennifer went under the airbrush once more as she posed almost totally nude except for the body paint and some artfully placed artificial scales.

Wearing otherworldly green contact lenses and bright red hair, the American Hustle star looks every bit the superhuman hero.

Flanking her from behind is Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) and Michael Fassbender (Magneto) for the Entertainment Weekly cover.
在《娱乐周刊》封面照中Jennifer身后的两位分别是《金刚狼》中的Hugh Jackman和《磁》中的Michael Fassbender。

The publication reveals that for many of Jennifer's action scenes she wore a spandex suit, that cut down nearly 'five to six' hours of time she had to spend in the previous film X-Men: First Class in the make-up chair.