
本期学习的字源:duc, duct=lead领导

The Duke of Windsor

Great Britain


Sherlock Holmes

introduce duke The Duke of Windsor gave up the throne of Great Britain for the right to marry the woman he loved. coeducational Students in coeducational high schools can learn about getting along with members of the opposite sex. conducive In China, the Confucian heritage has created an atmosphere that is not very conducive to change. deduce Sherlock Holmes can deduce biographical details of a perfect stranger from a few observations. induce The Central Bank has raised interest rates to induce foreign capital to flow into the market. producer The producer of a movie is the person who raises money for the filming. reduce Many prosperous families were reduced to poverty during the Great Depression. reproduce Some germs reproduce by splitting in two. duct The tear duct provides a constant supply of tears to keep the eyes moist.
The Duke of Windsor gave up the throne of Great Britain for the right to marry the woman he loved. 温莎公爵为了娶她爱的人,放弃了英国王位。 Students in coeducational high schools can learn about getting along with members of the opposite sex. 男女合校高中的学生能学会如何与异性相处。 In China, the Confucian heritage has created an atmosphere that is not very conducive to change. 儒教传统在中国造成了不太有利于变化的气氛。 Sherlock Holmes can deduce biographical details of a perfect stranger from a few observations. 福尔摩斯能根据几项观察就推论出陌生人的身世细节。 The Central Bank has raised interest rates to induce foreign capital to flow into the market. 中央银行调高了利率,以诱导外资流入市场。 The producer of a movie is the person who raises money for the filming. 电音制片人就是筹钱以供拍摄的人。 Many prosperous families were reduced to poverty during the Great Depression. 许多富足的家庭在经济大萧条时被贬入贫穷行列。 Some germs reproduce by splitting in two. 有些细菌以分裂为二来繁殖。 The tear duct provides a constant supply of tears to keep the eyes moist. 泪腺供应源源不断的泪水保持眼睛湿润。