



前灵媒Jane为找到杀害自己妻女的血腥约翰(Red John), 成为了Lisbon调查小组的一名独立顾问。







Tap, tap, tapping it.


What's in your pocket? None of your business. You just keep tapping it. Tap, tap, tapping it. Whatever is in there, you're obviously nervous about it. I'm assuming it's illegal. My best guess would be drugs. Do you have any lemon? I'm gonna go find your boss, all right? Okay. Well, be sure to tell her about the drugs in your top pocket. If you need me, I'm gonna be right here talking to your lovely wife. Please leave, all right? I just want to be alone. That's what we all want. No one gets it. So there's no lemons here? No, I don't think so! I really felt like... never mind. Your sister needs you here now. As comforting as it migh be to crawl under the blanke of narcotics that your husband has so generously procured for you, it's better that you don't. Nothing I do is going to help her. You're probably right. What's the point? What you can accomplish is irrelevant. But if you are absent in this moment, you will regret it for the rest of what will be a miserable life. That's all.
你口袋里装了什么? 不关你事。 你一直在拍口袋。拍,拍,拍了又拍。 不管藏着什么,你很紧张。 我猜多半是违法的东西。 最有可能是毒品。 有柠檬吗? 我要跟你的头儿说说。 行啊,别忘了跟她说一声,你口袋里藏着毒品。 我替你呆在这,陪你美丽的妻子谈谈心。 请你出去,好吗? 我就想自己呆一会。 谁不想呢,可是不行。 真没柠檬了吗? 我确定没有了。 我还真想要点,算了。 你妹妹现在需要你。你老公给你弄来毒品是很体贴。我也知道吸点药自己呆着确实很舒服,但你最好别这么干。 我一点忙都帮不上。 可能是这样吧。 你到底想说什么? 你能不能帮忙不重要,可是如果你回避问题,放任自己,你就很有可能在遗憾和悔恨中悲惨地度过后半生。 要说的就这么多。