Serious About Getting Ahead

A combative Sun-Mars conjunction on December 5 in your 10th House of Career can stir up conflict on the job. Vivacious Venus enters Aquarius and your 12th House of Privacy on December 7, which can pull you away from your usual social circle. You might appreciate more time alone where you feel less judged and are free to be yourself. Mental Mercury enters constructive Capricorn on December 12, helping you turn inspiring ideas into concrete events, yet the chatty Gemini Full Moon may resist the Capricorn call for order. The mobility of the Sun in Sagittarius opposing the Moon in Gemini is heightened by a tense square with electric Uranus. An impulse to change your job and seek greener pastures is understandable. Meanwhile, responsible Saturn’s square to the Full Moon reminds you that tossing aside one obstacle may present another one, so create a plan before making your move.

Keep in Mind this Month: You can achieve great things if you focus on yourself and let your ambition fuel the fire in your belly.
