沪江名师Giulia:绿野仙踪 the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
时间:4月17日(星期四)16:00 - 17:00


美女外教来了!英语大厅每周四下午 16:00-17:00 推出全新外教栏目,跟 Giulia 老师聊聊天。美国和意大利混血的 Giulia 老师说着一口标准流利的美语,并同时掌握意大利语、法语和西班牙语等多种语言。

the Wonderful Wizard of Oz 绿野仙踪

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a novel 小说 for children written by L. Frank Baum originally published over 100 years ago. Since then it has been reprinted several times and made into both a Broadway play as well as a famous movie.

On April 17th we travel back in time and around the world to Kansas, USA, where Dorothy's story begins. We will discuss the story, the characters and the famous songs from the movie. Don't miss it!




- Topic Introduction and Class Tips
- Introduction to the Wizard of Oz
- Plot discussion (what happens in the book)
- Songs + exercises - can you guess what songs Giulia will choose?
- Homework + Topic ideas: ways for you to win HuYuan and your chance to contribute what you would like Giulia to speak about



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6. 讲座期间进入英语大厅后,如果想发言,请点击下图中的“举手”(蓝色按钮),被主持人选中后就可以发言。说话的时候可以看到麦克进度条在随麦克声音发生变化,别人说话也可以看到耳机或扬声器的进度条在变化。