I wish you'd tell me what's troubling you. If it's this business with Mr Bates... Oh, it's not that. I'll get to the bottom of that. Well, I hope you'll do it soon. If there's one thing I hate, it's an "atmosphere," and we've got a real atmosphere going now. It's an unfair rumour which needs to be scotched. It's very hard to hear the names of people you love dragged in the mud. You feel so powerless. Well, I respect Mr Bates, but I'm not sure that I love him. I wasn't thinking of Mr Bates. Mr Carson, have you got a minute? What is it, Daisy? Mr Carson's a very busy man. I know he is, but I think he'll want to hear this. I told you something that wasn't true. Why would you do that? I did it as a favour for a friend, but I know now he was wrong to ask if of me.
我真想知道有什么在困扰着你,如果是贝茨先生的事... 不是的,那件事我会彻底查清楚的。 我希望你可以尽快,我真的不喜欢疑云密布的感觉,我们现在真是黑云压城的状况。 这块黑云就是该被镇住的不实谣言。 看到你心爱的人名声扫地真是件令人难过的事,会让人不知所措。 我敬重贝茨先生但是我还没有到爱他的地步。 我不是在说贝茨。 卡森先生,你有时间吗? 怎么了黛西,贝茨先生很忙。 我知道但我想他希望知道这件事。 我之前说的不是真的。 你为什么要这么做? 我只是帮朋友一个忙,但我想他这么做是错的。