Oh, you look pretty sharp tonight, Earl. You going somewhere special? Max, I am free black and 75. Who knows what the night will bring? Well, here's a twenty. Can you break this the way you just broke my heart? Pop-pop. Look at all this. People really tipped us well tonight. Yeah, well, don't get used to it. Thanksgiving is almost here, and as soon as people realize how much money they have to spend on holiday gifts, their wallets snap tighter than Kim Kardashian's legs after the wedding check cleared. I've always loved this time of year-- spiced pumpkin lattes, bringing my winter furs out, then bringing my winter furs to the dry cleaner's to get the red peta paint out. For me, it was jumping into a pile of leaves and finding a used .
厄尔 今晚打扮得很犀利嘛 有什么特别的活动吗 麦克斯 我是位七十五岁的"黑"钻王老五 我的夜晚有无限的"可能" 给你张二十 如你弄碎我的心般 把这钱弄成碎银子给我吧 一半 两半 瞧瞧这堆钱 今晚大家小费给得真多呀 是啊 不过年是不会天天过的 等人们意识到感恩节的来临 自己得在礼物上花多少钱 他们的钱包就会像金•卡戴珊的两腿一样 一领完婚礼捞来的钱 就"夹得紧紧的" 我喜欢每年的这个时期 香料南瓜拿铁 拿出我的冬日皮草 然后拿着我的冬日皮草去干洗店 把人道对待动物协会泼的红漆弄掉 节日之于我 就是跳进一堆叶子 像寻宝一样找一个用过的