Artist:Tahiti 80
Song:1000 Times

Just because you'll always be

Miles ahead of me

I don't see why

I shouldn't try

To catch up with you

Cause in my mind a 1,000 times or more

I've been there before

There's nothing I can see
That will stop me, believe me

听完音乐,也要提升自己 o(∩_∩)o

Our time will come
And I don't think I will let
Another chance
Pass me by
I don't want you to get bored
Like you have a 1,000 times before
Give me some time
Just to show that I am up to it

There's something that can be done
To bring us back together as one
There's something else I can do
That's why I'm sending this message to you
I will try another 1,000 times
To bring us back together as one
I will try another 1,000 times
Till you decide to change your mind

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    Tahiti 80是一种时尚。不必依靠穿着打扮,不必仰赖媒体宣传,只是一种感觉,从封面设计到音乐表现,他们穿越时空,既复古亦新潮。

  这个来自法国巴黎的四人组合,一直到95年才确定了团员阵容,旋即在96年发表首张EP《20 Minutes》,受到媒体极大的关注。虽然首张专辑《Puzzle》一直到2000年才发行,但这张专辑不只获得极佳的成绩,更为他们赢得众多音乐人的青睐与合作机会,像是日本涩谷系鼻祖小山田圭吾为他们重新混音的单曲“Heartbeat”已经成为经典,也包括日后与kahimi Karie的成功合作。

  虽然来自法国,Tahiti 80却是深受英国音乐的影响,尤其是70年代的Kinks早已被奉为永远的偶像。主唱Boyer在7月份的Uncut杂志中列出他最爱的音乐人,包括The Clash、The Stone、Roses和Curtis、Mayfield,Tahiti 80的乐风由此不难想见。即使如此,我们仍然从他们的音乐中听见法兰西血液里特有的浪漫情怀,融合80年代浪漫乐风,时而随着简单的木吉他缓缓流动,时而随着Boyer的轻柔嗓音穿梭在活泼的节奏中。