Listen to a short talk about the abbreviations used on the Internet.


Milford Matthew

''Pan Handle”



Word expert Milford Matthew found written uses of the word “network" in the late 1800s. The word then was used as a verb, a word that shows action. At that time network meant the connection of railroads or other vehicles used for travel. One publication said it is only a question of time when the railroads will network an area of the American west called the “Pan Handle". Another publication of the time said complete areas are networked by trolley cars, which are a kind of electronic train. Now we often hear network used in connections with broadcasting.
词汇专家米尔德马修在19世纪晚期发现了network的书面用法。从那时起,这个词被当做一个动词来用,表示一个动作。那时候network的意思是铁路或者是其他的交通工具的连接。在一份出版物上写着:铁路什么时候连接到美洲西部的“Pan Handle”只是个时间问题。在当时的另一份出版物上写着,所有的地区都被有轨电车连在一起了。 现在我们经常听到network被用在广播中。