Listen to a short talk about the abbreviations used on the Internet.





Few things in this world change as fast as languages. Every day, new words are created to deal with new ideas or new technologies. New meanings also are added to existing words. A dictionary published years ago may show one or two meanings for a word; a dictionary published today may list several more meanings for the same word. Network is one such word. It combines two words. The first is “net," it means materials that are connected; the second is “work". One meaning of “work" is a system. Network means a connection of systems that work together. The systems that networks connect can be very different. For example, radio and television stations can be connected in the network, so can computers and even people.
这世上没有什么比语言变化更快的了,每天新想法和新技术的产生都会带来新的词汇。既有的词汇往往被赋予新的意义。一个单词在几年前出版的字典上可能只有一两个意思,但在现在出版的词典上可能就会有更多的意思了。 Network就是个这样的词。它有两个部分组成。第一部分是“net”,意思是连接在一起的材料;第二部分是“work”,意思是一个体系。Network的意思就是相连的体系共同工作。这些相互联系的体系可以是非常不同的。比如,广播台和电视台可以作为体系共同工作,而电脑和人也可以。