Brandon Stanton


Brandon Stanton has talked with 10,000 strangers and shared their stories with millions of people across the Internet. The 29-year-old photographer and creator of Humans of New York didn't hesitate to follow an idea and turn it into something meaningful.
布兰登·斯坦顿已经与1万个陌生人交谈,并通过网络和数百万网友一起分享了他们的故事。这位29岁的摄影师是Humans of New York的创造者,他有想法后立即就去做了,把自己的想法变成了非常有意义的东西。

Stanton has photographed New Yorkers and visitors of the city since November 2010, developing one of the most dedicated online communities.

Humans of New York (HONY) has nearly 1.5 million fans on Facebook, more than 33,000 followers on Twitter and regularly receives several thousand notes for each Tumblr post.
在脸书网上,Humans of New York (HONY) 有近150万粉丝,在推特上有超过3.3万的追随者,在Tumblr上每条图文都有成千上万条转发和喜欢。

photo 1

"I know this isn’t going to be a popular opinion, but I’m gay, and I don’t think there’s nearly as much discrimination as people claim. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve experienced discrimination. But it hasn’t been a huge factor in my life. I feel like a lot of people bring discrimination on themselves by getting in people’s faces too much. "

"They like to say: ‘Accept me or else!’ They go around demanding respect as a member of a group, instead of earning respect as an individual. And that sort of behavior invites discrimination."

photo 2

"What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever gotten through together?""I know. And he knows. But we’d rather not say."
“你们一起经历过的最艰难的事是什么?” “我知道,他也知道。但我们都不愿说。”

photo 3

"I ran away to California for a week without telling anyone. I wanted to remove myself from everything, to see if I could work out some things in my head. But it actually created more problems. I learned it doesn’t really work that way."

"How do you mean?""Just that if you can’t figure out your problems in your present circumstances, you’re probably not going to figure them out by running away from them."
“你的意思是?” “就是说,如果不能在当前的环境中解决你的问题,那就算你跑得再远,也不可能解决那些问题。”

photo 4

"I just want to spend a few more years with my grandson.""Is there anything you want to teach him?""I leave that to his parents. I just want to be there."

photo 5

"Do you remember the saddest moment of your life?" “When I realized that I hadn’t killed myself, and I was still alive.”
“你还记得你人生中最悲伤的时刻吗?” “当我意识到我自杀没有成功,我还活着。”

photo 6

"My greatest struggle is trying to support my mom and sisters back in Jamaica. I try to send money back every month, but sometimes I just can’t do it after I’ve paid my bills. They really depend on the money, because my stepfather is a farmer and a lot of times the crops aren’t good. A lot of people back home think that money comes easy in America. They don’t know how hard it is."

photo 7

"Had cancer six times. Beat cancer six times."

photo 8

"My visa expires in a week."

photo 9

I asked her 15 questions. She made this face 15 times.Then I walked away.

photo 10


"My first memory was when I was three years old. My dad set me up on the dresser, and said: ‘Jump to daddy!’ Then he let me fall and said, ‘Don’t trust anyone.’ He was twisted like that. I’m pretty sure that’s why I’m a loner."
“我最初的记忆是在我们三岁的时候,父亲把我放在梳妆台上对我说:‘跳到爸爸怀里来!’ 然后他就眼看着我跳下来摔倒,然后对我说:‘不要相信任何人。’ 我的父亲就是这么扭曲,我想这也就是我为什么总是孤单一人的原因吧。”