

Dean Suzanne Cable, Special Agents Morgan and Gideon.I didn't know who else to call.
What is it?
I want to talk to you.
Um,I'm sorry. I don't work here anymore.
Do you like it?
Um,do--do I know you?
Do you want to?
I agree it's weird,but I don't think it's anything to be overly alarmed about.
Is there something else?
I think 2______________________, and there was,like,blood or something all over them.
What can you tell us about Anna's usual mental state?
I don't know. No one really knows her very well.
She doesn't play well with others,you know.
I know she cuts herself. 3____________, but people know.
Has she ever been violent towards others?
I don't think so.
Talk to us.
She talks about it all the time.
But everyone makes fun of her,like she thinks she's some goth chick Sylvia Plath.
Hey, Gideon, it's Reid. Are Morgan and Prentiss still following Tubbs?
I think I know who we're looking for.
It's good that you called us.
It's not just the others who make fun of her. It's me,too.
Every girl I know is either bleaching her hair or buying a wig and she goes and dyes her hair dark I saw stories about the murders taped to her wall She covers it up Does she ever talk about suicide
我不知道还能找谁 什么事? 我想和你谈谈 抱歉 我不在这儿工作了 你喜欢我的头发吗? 我和你认识吗? 那你想吗? 我认识的女孩要么将她们的头发漂白 要么买假发戴上 而她竟去把头发染黑了? 我承认这有点古怪 但是... 但我认为你不必对此过于惊慌 还有其它的不寻常之处吗? 我想我看到她的墙上贴满了对杀手的报道 而且上面似乎血迹斑斑 能跟我们说说Anna平时的精神状况吗? 我不清楚 没人真正了解她 要知道 她不太合群 就一丁点都不知道? 我知道她自残 虽然她遮起来了 但大家心知肚明 她对别人有没有暴力行为? 我想没有吧 她有没有提过自杀? 告诉我们 她一直在重复这个话题 但是大家都取笑她 好像当自己是 歌特风格十足的诗人普拉斯 嘿 Gideon 是Reid Morgan和Prentiss还跟着Tubbs吗? 我想我知道我们要找的是谁了 打电话给我们这事你做得很对 并不只是别人取笑她 我也是