

We're looking for at least 2 offenders in good physical condition.
And nobody would go that deep into the woods without backup.
Killing teams are like most partnerships, one weak,the other strong.
These men haven't exhibited any sexual interest in their victims
So they're either developmentally prepubescent
Or they could be related.
Let alone perform them in front of each other.
If they are related, they could have an us-versus-them mentality.
Their bond will be unbreakable because it's all they know.
The men we're looking for, they don't show any mercy.
These guys take pleasure in watching their casualties die a slow death.
Every spring for the past 5 years, people have gone missing.
We think the killers wait for their prey to migrate through these woods.
Courtney Jacobs, Shane Everett, and Alex Harrison were all healthy smart adults who survived for days by following their instincts.
They found themselves in the middle of nowhere.
They were either approached in a way that wasn't threatening...
Or the offenders waited for a moment of weakness.
Perfect time to attack.
These particular hunters are very seasoned, they're very efficient.
It's no surprise that 4____________________.
It requires the utmost precision and it provides them with a challenge every time.
Like the trophy hunter,these men, they plan their killings with care.
They decide the type of victims they want, how and where they want to kill them, and with what weapon.
Hunting is their sport. Humans are their targets.
Good luck.
You'd have to be fit to make it through this terrain Immediate relatives wouldn't discuss sexual encounters Most hunters put animals out of their misery they've chosen a weapon to be a compound bow Use every hunter's instinct in your bodies
——伊甸园字幕组 我们要找的是至少两名体格强壮的袭击者 要穿过这地形 得足够健壮 若没有后援支持 没人会走进森林的如此深处 正如大多数的同伙 一强一弱 他们对受害者没有性方面的兴趣 所以他们要么还未青春期发育... 要么是亲戚 直系亲属一般不会讨论性行为 更不可能在对方面前进行性行为 如果他们是亲属 则可能会有"我们VS他们"的想法 他们之间的关系坚不可摧 因为他们只知道这样 大多数猎人都会杀死动物 以解除它们的痛苦 但我们要找的人没有丝毫仁慈心 他们以看猎物慢慢死去为乐 过去5年的每个春天都有人失踪 凶手等待他们的猎物经过树林 Courtney Jacobs, Shane Everett 和Alex Harrison都是健康聪明的成年人 靠直觉活到现在 他们发现自己不知身在何处 袭击者可能以较友好的方式接近... 或者等受害者变得虚弱 袭击的最佳时间 这些猎人很老练 有效率 他们选择复合弓当武器也不足为奇 因为那需要最高的精确度 每次也能让他们有最大的挑战 就像收集战利品的猎手们 他们精心计划猎杀行动 他们决定受害者的类型 杀害他们的方法与地点 以及用何种武器 打猎是他们的消遣 人类才是他们的目标 激发起你们身上的"猎人天性" 祝大家好运