




He's usually passive, he won't speak up much in the classroom. He'll very rarely ask you why this and why not something else. Just sort of accepts what you give him and doesn't do anything more with it. That's right and in a test he's the one person who's likely to suddenly realize that, yes, he wasn't too sure about that after all. And peep over at the, at his neighbor's paper. Yes, an alternative learning strategy. Right, and he invariably decides that the other person is more likely to be right than himself. I think that's the result of, this sort of unwillingness to make mistakes and stick his neck out.
他们一般都很被动,上课很少讲话,也很少会问各种为什么。 嗯,只是被动接受老师讲的知识,不作他想。 对。到了考试的时候,也恰恰更多的是他们会忽然意识到,哦,原来自己对学过的知识并不是那么确定。然后开始偷瞄邻座的试卷。 对,采取另外一种学习战略。 对,他们总是觉得别人的答案更准确。我觉得,这可能是出于某种不想冒险犯错的心理。