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How to socialize:

cut the slang: respecting foreign customs and speak ing appropriately

build rapport: the art of ___(填空不填)and approaching people

Now, let's come to social skills. In general, social skills are closely related to communicating effectively. After you graduate, you're not going to be dealing with your high school or college friends anymore. You'll be dealing with many people from different backgrounds, countries, and more importantly different age groups, so it would be wise to learn how to socialize outside your own group. Cut the slang. Learn to respect customs from other countries. Learn when to speak and when not to. Build rapport. Learn the art of networking. That's key. Networking is a big skill that's not taught enough in schools. Learn to approach people. That's another big skill. Most people don't have the guts to take the first initiative and introduce themselves. Be the big man. Take the first step.
接下来我们来谈谈社交技巧。一般来说,社交技巧与有效沟通有着密切联系。毕业之后,你不再是和高中朋友或大学朋友打交道了。你将接触许多来自不同背景、不同国家的人。更重要的是你还将同不同年龄段的人群打交道。因此,学会如何同和自己的群体以外的群体社会交际是明智之举。少说俚语。学着尊重其他国家的风俗习惯。懂得把握说话的时机。建立融洽的关系,了解与人交流的艺术-这很关键。与人交流是一项重要技能,学校在这方面的教育力度不够。学会如何接近他人-这是另一项重要的技能。大部分人没有足够的勇气掌握主动权做自我介绍。做一个成功的人,勇于踏出第一步。 翻译by sugarle