




Well what I wanted to ask really was... you're a teacher, been teaching for some years now. What would you say, how would you describe a good student or a bad student, you know, sort of things they do or don't do in the classroom? Well, a good student is usually one who's not afraid to make mistakes, I'd say. And he's eager to experiment with every new thing that he learns, whether it be a structure or a function or a new word. He immediately starts trying to use it. Yeah, all right. And he's interested in the mistakes he makes, he's not afraid to make them. So he's not simply interested in having it corrected and moving on? No. He plays with the language. A bad student, on the other hand, will perhaps say “Ok, I've done this chapter I know this," without trying to experiment at all, without really testing himself.
我其实想问的是,您是一位教龄很长的老师了。您怎么看待优生和差生?比如,他们在上课的时候做了什么或者没做什么之类的。 会学习的学生一般不会怕出错,他们都急切地想去实践一下学到的每一样新知识。所以,一学到新句型、新用法或者新词,他们都马上去用。 嗯,对。 而且,他们不但不怕犯错,还对自己犯的错误很感兴趣。 那么,他们不是简单的喜欢犯错、改错,然后继续学习吗? 当然不是。他们是在体会语言的乐趣。不会学习的学生则相反。他们可能会说:“好的,我完成了这一章,那么我懂了这些知识了。”他们不会尝试着去运用学到的知识来检验自己的学习成果。