


Ms. Grayson




Victoria. Good morning. I made a breakfast reservation for us so we could continue our discussion from the other night. Today is not a good day, and please continue addressing me as Ms. Grayson. Ok, my apologies. Are you all right? Conrad filed for divorce. I've had better mornings. Well, don't worry. I'm sure you'll come out on top. What makes you so sure? Well, you're Victoria Grayson. You have two children who love you, friends who would do anything for you, and entire community that worships you. And you have me. Anything you need, I can take care of it. Can you bring my son home to me? I can certainly try. Thank you. Ashley. Victoria's fine.
早上好,维多利亚,我为我们订了早餐,这样我们可以继续昨夜的话题了。 今天我没心情,另外请叫我格雷森女士。 抱歉,你还好吧? 康拉德申请离婚了,今早真是糟糕透了。 别担心,你一定是最后的赢家。 这么肯定? 嗯,你是维多利亚格雷森,有一双深爱你的儿女,有一群原为你两肋插刀的朋友,还有整个社区的尊重。你还有我,无论你需要什么,我都能搞定。 你能把我儿子带回来吗? 我可以试试。 谢谢。艾什莉,叫我维多利亚也可以。 (原创翻译 melare)