


这个月窝会比较忙,估计木有什么时间上网,所以撒沪元的事情等我五月回来~~(*^__^*) ~~各位童鞋有问题给窝留言就好了,看到了一定回复~~~PS,,某人会在有网的时候时不时回来逛一下哟~~抽个风撒个沪元之类的几率还是很高滴~~O(∩_∩)O~~

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Gossip Girl 



D: Hey, is there anything you wanna tell me?

B: _______________1_________________

D: ________________2______________-

B: _________________3__________________

D: About, how, uh, how Chuck paid your dowry. Listen, if that's why you didn't sign the divorce papers, I just wish you would tell me.

B:____________4______________ I gotta go.

D: Where?

B: To find him.

D: Him who? Chuck? 

Let me guess. You saw on Gossip Girl that Chuck came by.I can explain. No, you don't have to. I already know about the dowry. What are you talking about? No, I had no idea Chuck paid it. None, I thought it was Georgina.
你有话想和我说吗? 我猜猜,你通过八卦天后看到恰克来过了。我可以解释。 不,你不必解释,我已经知道了关于嫁妆的事。 你在说什么? 我知道恰克帮你付清了嫁妆费用,如果那是你不愿签署离婚协议的原因,我希望你直接告诉我。 不,我不知道恰克付钱这件事。一点也不知道,我以为是乔治娜帮我付的。 我得走了。 去哪? 去找他。 他是谁? 恰克吗?