B: You know, when we first moved into this house, we didn't have money for a furnace, and it was winter, so we bundled you up in sweaters. You looked like this big ball of yarn, rolling from room to room. And we never used the fireplace, 'cause I was scared that we'd turn our backs and you'd get burned. _______(一句话听写,首字母大写,句末有标点)_________ And I haven't done a very good job, have I?
I knew that my one job on this earth was to make sure that you didn't get hurt.
B: 你知道吗,当我们刚搬到这儿的时候,我们还买不起火炉。当时是冬天,所以我们把你包在毛衣里,你看上去就像一大卷毛线球,从这个屋子滚到那个屋子。我们从未用过壁炉,因为我害怕当我们一转身,你就被烧伤了。我知道我活在世上的职责之一就是确保你不受到伤害。但我没有做到,是吗?