


这个月窝会比较忙,估计木有什么时间上网,所以撒沪元的事情等我五月回来~~(*^__^*) ~~各位童鞋有问题给窝留言就好了,看到了一定回复~~~PS,,某人会在有网的时候时不时回来逛一下哟~~抽个风撒个沪元之类的几率还是很高滴~~O(∩_∩)O~~

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B: _____________1______________________

S: Oh, so that it's your excuse—multiple personality disorder? Or did an alien take over your body?


S: Too late.

B: Look, it was a mistake. What do you want me to do? Self-flagellate? Wear a hair shirt?

S: If you're referring to the hideous fur vest you wore yesterday, I'm the only one that suffered because I had to look at it. Can you pass the salt, please?

B: Mm,looks like we're all out.

D: I go get more.

B: And I'd like some more bacon, crisp, please.

S: Oh, why don't you just take mine? You don't seem to have a problem doing that.



S: No, she didn't.

B: Oh, yes. She did.

S: Dorota, come on.

B: Let us out, Dorota.

D: ____________5__________________


I told you that I'm sorry. I don't know what came over for me, I'm not sure it even was me because why would I ever kiss Humphrey? I would never do anything to hurt you. How much longer can you go on? Enough. I can't take this. You not coming out until you work this out. I don't care if it takes all day. Don't look at me. She works for you.
我已经跟你说过对不起了。我都不知道当时我是怎么了,我怎么会吻了丹,我甚至不敢相信那个人就是我。 我永远不会做任何伤害你的事情。 你还要这样和我冷战多久? 够了,我看不下去了。 除非你们能够和解,否则谁也不要想从房里走出去。我不在乎会不会会花掉一整天的时间。 别看着我,她是你的佣人。 ——译文来自: 鞠如卿