Unit7Manners and Custom coversation1/2






Mary talks with her friend Tom about her experience of living in England. Have you ever been to England? Yeah, I have been in England for the past five years. So, Mary, you have been in England for quite a long time now? Hmm. What differences do you notice between England and the United States? Obviously, the biggest difference is the people. The average Englishmen are... cold and not very open. Oh? In the United States, it is very different. We start conversations with people in the street, in the subway. We are a lot more outgoing than Englishmen. You know, when I first went to England. I couldn't understand why I was getting so little reaction from people, but now I see that they thought I was too energetic and too friendly too soon.
mary 和她的朋友tom 在谈论她生活在英格兰的经历 你去过英格兰吗? 是的 ,我在过去的5年去过那 那玛丽,你曾经在英格兰好长一段时间? 是的 你察觉到英格兰和美国有什么不同之处吗? 明显地,最大的不同就是人们.一般的英国人都..冷淡的和不开放. 是吗? 在美国有很大的不同,我们会在街道上 地铁上和其他人谈话。我们比英国人更友好。你知道吗,当我一开始去到英国,我不明白为什么我其从其他人身上只得到一点点的反应。 但现在我明白了 很快我变得更积友好的积极的。 ——译文来自: Wong_HHH