2.Internet is a powerful research instrument.

e.g.For videos,Cds and DVDs,shoppers can

a,browse through a larger selection on the websites.

reviews(3)______in traditional stores. Online shopping is (4)____to traditional shopping,because it accelerates customers' purchase decisions.

Secondly,Internet is a powerful research instrument. Shoppers are able to use the Internet as a powerful research instrument in the purchasing process. For certain products such as books and Videos/CDs/DVDs,reviews and recommendations are important factors in influencing purchase decision. With such products,shoppers are not only able to browse through a larger selection on the websites such as ,but are also to conveniently obtain reviews and recommendations that are usually unavailable in offline stores. Shoppers who shop online do not necessarily make the purchase online,but"offline"from a brick-and-mortar storefront,and vice versa. 46% of online buyers research online to purchase offline,while 27% research offline to purchase online and 17% research in both ways,according to Forrester Research. The above information gives evidence that the Internet can also be viewed as a supplement to traditional storefront purchasing,rather than as a competitor. This ability to shop,research,and view potential purchases on the Internet empowered customers and accelerated their purchase decision. unavailable supplementary
第二点,互联网是一个强大的搜索工具。消费者在购买过程中可以将因特网作为一个强大的搜索工具。对于具体的产品,比如图书,视频光盘,CD,DVD等,下面的购买者评论和推荐意见是决定顾客购买决策的关键因素。有了这样的便利,消费者不仅可以浏览很多购物网站,比如亚马逊,同时也可以方便的获取那些线下购物所不能享受到的便利,如评论和推荐。 购物者在网上购物不一定需要在网上付费购买,而是可以去一个实体的销售店,反之亦然。研究表明,46%的在线买家选择到实体店购买,而27%的消费者,会在实体店挑选然后在线上购买,而17%的会采用这两种购物方式。(数据来源:弗雷斯特研究公司)。以上所有信息表明因特网可以被认定为传统购买方式的一个辅助者,而不是一个竞争者。如今的消费者,可以通过线上调查、选择、和评论来选择他们心仪的产品,这一购物模式将使消费者可以快速准确的做出他们的购物决定。 ——译文来自: Andrewcsy