
I beat you last time. Yes, but I had a head cold. What? How could you be that fast? I had a light lunch. What? We'll call it a draw! How did you do that? You didn't even touch him. Panda... Where did you learn the thundering wind hammer? That thing I just did? I thought I made it up. The wind hammer is one of the legendary seven impossible moves.
但是我上次也打败你了 嗯哼 但是那是因为上次我头疼 哪儿去了 你怎么能这么快?!! 大概是因为我吃的少吧 神马!!! 我们只能把这个称为平手 你是怎么做到的? 你都没有碰到他 熊猫 你从哪儿学的雷风锤? 就是刚才那招么 我就是随意出的。。。 雷风锤是传说中的七大绝技之一 By: 灌心饼干