Hints:  Look...

I just trying to avoid past mistakes. Look... I know I can't make things all better right now, but may be overtime. Maybe. Get some rest. Since we're confessing things... You know that scratch on your car? The one that can't be buffed out? Yeah. You should probably know how it happened. I know how it happened. Raccoon did it. Good night, Jay. Good night, kid.
我尽量避免犯错误 听我说。。我知道失去宠物带给你的伤痛不是短时间能平复的 但是过段时间会好的对吧? 恩应该吧~ 那好好睡觉吧~ 既然我们已经说到这个份上了 你知道你车上的那道划痕是怎么来的了咩? 就是那道汽车美容也去不掉的么 嗯哼 是浣熊划了它 晚安Jay 晚安儿子 By: 灌心饼干