Victoria的回忆引出了Dr. Banks与Clarke案的关联。


Amanda Clarke



I've known Amanda Clarke's family for quite some time, and with her father's arrest for that horrible crime, I think it's best for everyone involved that Amanda be institutionalized. Well, I'll be the one to make that determination. Of course, doctor. I imagine how difficult if must be for you to handle cases like this. They're heartbreaking. It's the job. What if you had a different kind of job? What if I offered you a private practice with steady stream of the right kind of clients? I could be your first patient. In return, you see to it that Amanda gets the care she needs in a proper institution. But more importantly, that she and her father remain separated for good.
我认识阿曼达克拉克一家很久了。我认为在她父亲因恐怖罪行被逮捕后,阿曼达最好能进收容所。 这由我决定。 当然,医生。 我想,总是处理类似令人心碎的病例一定很难吧。 这就是我的工作。 如果你有一份不同的工作呢?如果我能给你开一家私人诊所,你可以拥有稳定的资源和优质的客户呢?我可以做你的第一个病人。作为回报,你要让阿曼达在一个合适的地方得到她所需要的,但最重要的是,你要确保她和她的父亲永生不得相见。