
Hints:Tong Fo

          the -- Sacred War Hammer of Lei Lang. 

If you're done hitting me, we need to stop Tong Fo from getting the -- Sacred War Hammer of Lei Lang. Guess we don't need this anymore. Okay, folks. Time to start the show. Wait! We're here to help you in your time of need, boss. You know, actually, what I really need is not so many interruptions. Don't let it hit the ground.
如果你们不再打我了 我想我们应该去阻止Tong Fo 拿到雷狼战锤 嗯哼 我想我们再也不需要这个了 哦哦~ 大家~ 好戏开演~ 等下!!老大我们要跟您在一起 你知道么 我真正需要的是 没这么多人来打断我 不要让它掉地上!! By: 灌心饼干