Hints: Well -- 

So, I guess she travels around selling makeup for a cosmetics company. She's in town for a week. You mean she's like a door-to-door salesman? If you were doing it, they'd call it a dork-to-dork salesman. My boy strikes like a rattlesnake! Oh, yeah? Well -- well, you... All right, well, we can see the movie tomorow. Come on. It's time for your lesson. You mean her second lesson, because she just got schooled. What's wrong with me today?
恩 我想她过来是为了推销化妆品的~ 住大概一个礼拜吧 你的意思是她是个上门推销员? 如果你干这个 一定是呆子推销员~ 哇哦 我儿子这么犀利 嗯哼?那要是你的话。。。。 好了 那我们可以明天去看 走吧 你该上课了 你是说她今天的第二堂课么 因为我刚给她上了一堂了~ 我怎么接不上话了今天 By: 灌心饼干